You can find guidance on the criteria for this category here

The Award will be presented to the scheme which, in the opinion of the judges, constitutes the best contribution by a bus operator, authority, manufacturer or any group or individual within those organisations to one or more of the following:

  • Further improving the environmental friendliness of the bus
  • Improving the environment in which buses operate
  • Improving the environment for bus users and potential users.

For the avoidance of doubt, environmental benefits in the context of this award are defined as:

  • Changes to noise levels
  • Changes to vehicle emissions, either in total or in the chemical content which would be less harmful to either public health or in reducing contributions to global warming
  • Changes to air quality in specific areas (for example, depots, terminals or other places where vehicles and humans interact), including local authority designated Air Quality Management Areas.
  • A reduction in waste products or in the environmental effects of waste products.
  • Improved energy efficiency in either premises or on the road

Who can be nominated?

This category is open to industry suppliers, operators and authorities either separately or in conjunction with one another.

… and by whom?

Nominations will be welcomed from all eligible organisations, and self-nomination is acceptable.

Criteria and Entry Requirements

Decisions will be based on the quality of the submissions made and the extent to which they address the criteria. Nominations should therefore provide information on:

  • The nature of the project(s) and its intended effect on the environmental impact of the bus
  • The extent of technological innovation
  • Where the nomination concerns a new product or service, the extent of its commercial success
  • Deliverability on an industry-wide basis (this would include the practicality and affordability of the idea).
  • Where the nomination concerns a new product, the degree to which the product has proved reliable in everyday service and delivered the benefits intended.
  • The extent to which customer and market research was employed in the development of the product
  • The involvement of other partners in the industry in the development of the project or product.

Entries should address each of the above criteria to assist with the judging process, because non-transferable marks will be allocated for each of these criteria. Entries should also set the entry in the context of the entrant’s overall approach to Corporate Social Responsibility.

In this context, entrants may be requested to provide details of customers using the product and their agreement for the Management Committee and/or judges to approach such customers for independent verification.

Products or services entered for consideration need not necessarily be exclusive to the bus industry, but entrants need to demonstrate that it has widespread application within the industry.


Please ensure that you send JPEG files. PDFs, pictures in Word files and in PowerPoint presentations are NOT acceptable.

For people categories, it is nice to see the person in a work environment – in a driving cab, by a vehicle or with colleagues, for example – but please ensure that the nominee is clearly recognisable. A head and shoulders shot is also useful. For other categories, please send pictures of your project or your company’s activities, and send one of the team involved.

These photographs may be used by us in a variety of ways, on the Bus Awards web site, in video presentations and in souvenir brochures and other printed material including the trade press.So that we can make the most effective use of the pictures you send us, please try to ensure that they are high-resolution JPG images (300 dpi) and at least 1200 x 1600 pixels in size. This implies a file size of at least several hundred KB – more is better. If you are using a mobile phone, please select the highest quality/most mega pixel/highest file size setting.

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