The Luke Rees-Pulley Charitable Trust Award

You can find guidance on the criteria for this category here

Luke Rees-Pulley was passionate about buses throughout his life, which was tragically cut short by murder. The trust founded in his name seeks to rekindle the pride and status of bus drivers in the capital to the levels seen in the 1930s – when to be a bus driver was to be a respected professional providing an essential service. This award is part of that process, recognising and rewarding top-quality service and commitment.

About the Award

This Award is presented to the London bus driver who has best demonstrated excellent performance from the customer perspective in the twelve month period to the end of June.

All London bus garages are eligible to submit nominations for their best-performing drivers based on:

  • Public Commendations
  • CES (mystery shopping) assessments
  • DQM (driving standards) assessments, carried out by DriveTech and / or internal staff
  • Accident record

If necessary other areas of performance, including discipline and attendance, will be considered.

The winner of the Top London Bus Driver prize will be the individual who best represents the customer’s ideal; a driver who is friendly, helpful, conscientious and mindful of passengers’ safety, comfort and well-being – in short, a true professional and worthy ambassador for the job.


Please ensure that you send JPEG files. PDFs, pictures in Word files and in PowerPoint presentations are NOT acceptable.

For people categories, it is nice to see the person in a work environment – in a driving cab, by a vehicle or with colleagues, for example – but please ensure that the nominee is clearly recognisable. A head and shoulders shot is also useful. For other categories, please send pictures of your project or your company’s activities, and send one of the team involved.

These photographs may be used by us in a variety of ways, on the Bus Awards web site, in video presentations and in souvenir brochures and other printed material including the trade press.So that we can make the most effective use of the pictures you send us, please try to ensure that they are high-resolution JPG images (300 dpi) and at least 1200 x 1600 pixels in size. This implies a file size of at least several hundred KB – more is better. If you are using a mobile phone, please select the highest quality/most mega pixel/highest file size setting.

‘Important note: nominee’s agreement
You should ensure that you obtain your employee’s consent to their name being put forward for this award category, and make sure that they understand that this may result in them and their family receiving media coverage and press enquiries. By submitting this form you are confirming that you have done this.’

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